Tag Archives: Peace

Gratitude – The Ultimate Power

The Power of Gratitude

The Power of Gratitude

The Ultimate Power is the force to be reckoned with. The thing with Gratitude is that if one is ungrateful, the reckoning comes in the form of their Life Results. As human beings, we have been conditioned to understand a reckoning to be a punishment or a consequence for actions that have transpired. With this in mind, we begin to understand the consequence of lacking gratitude or, essentially, being ungrateful.

When we think thoughts, we are customizing the life results we wish to experience. When we pair our thoughts with passionate feelings, or feelings that are sincerely and fully felt, we are expediting the arrival time of the manifestation or physical experience of those people, circumstances or “life results.”

If a person thinks grateful thoughts and feels the wonderful sensations related to gratitude, they are powerfully creating that which will manifest into physical form. The longer and more focused energy that is spent thinking a specific thought that is paired with a constant, committed feeling, the faster that person experiences similar, “like” life results that are in line with what and how they have been thinking and feeling. While some specific manifestations may take some time (or not – there is not a definite formula), living in gratitude means that while one may wait for a specific request, they will absolutely enjoy living day to day until they are in possession of whatever they specifically desire – as long as they are aware.

Together, we CAN change the world!

Global Equality

Global Gratitude Group


© Global Gratitude Group. 2016. All Rights Reserved.

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Gratitude and Relationships

Relationships are huge. Unless you’re an android or some kind of robot, your connection to others is a major contributing factor to the quality of life you have as a thinking, feeling “being.”

While there are so many different types of relationships, the foundation of all relationships is the same. It always begins and ends with you.

What you contribute to a relationship is what you will get out of it. If you give of yourself, solely because you WANT to – not because you expect something in return, then your relationships will thrive. How is this possible?

The Law of Attraction is what makes all of this possible and true. The Law says that what you give, you receive. If you are giving negativity, you will receive life results that are in line with what you have been thinking and feeling. If you are giving positivity, you will receive life results that are in line with what you have been thinking and feeling.

It is important to note that blaming others for their roles in your various relationships is fleeting and will not produce the relationship you desire. To gain the relationship circumstances that you desire, YOU need to think, feel and administer them, FIRST.

I hear people complain all the time about how this relationship and that relationship aren’t working. With one simple question, “And what are you doing about that?” the responsibility of that person’s participation in the relationship in question is immediately deflected to the actions or lack of actions from the other person or persons involved.

To blame others is to focus on and exist in negativity, which can and will only produce more of that. Well, he/she is so mean to me; he’s/she’s power-hungry and he/she doesn’t care about anyone but himself/herself. Sadly, I hear this too often. Look at that statement. “He’s/She’s this” and “he’s/she’s that” and he/she, he/she, he/she; nothing about “me” or “I.”

And what are you doing about that? “I don’t know – I guess I’ll have to find a new job (or new relationship).”

So instead of taking responsibility for one’s own role in a toxic relationship, they think they just need to be removed from that relationship. Some of you may agree with that thinking, but I have to tell you – I have seen too many times where the same negativity is spouted from the same mouths of the same people who keep changing relationships only to find that they keep encountering these same “awful people who thrive on being awful to everyone else.”

Are there controlling people out there who like to see their subordinates squirm? Absolutely! However, it is completely and solely up to you to decide if you are going to tolerate the relationship or if you are going to look within to ensure that you don’t go without.

This and the next few posts are all about relationships; the different types of relationships we deal with and how, no matter what type of relationship you may have an issue with, it all begins and ends with you. You are about to discover the true magic that exists when you understand the power of your involvement in any and every relationship you will ever have. See you next time!


Together, we CAN change the world!

Global Equality



© Global Gratitude Group. 2016. All Rights Reserved.

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Be Grateful for Your Human Rights

Today’s message is very clear and to the point. We are all human beings and we should all have the same rights as every other human being. Yet, still, in 2016, all human beings around the world are not yet equal.

If you are fortunate enough to live somewhere that you have the same rights as everyone around you, give thanks. If you do not live somewhere that you have the same rights as everyone else, ask yourself how that makes you feel and then ask yourself what you’re going to do about it.

Since we know that gratitude changes everything, start with being grateful for the rights you DO have. Allow the lack of having equal rights to show you how many and which rights you actually DO have, right now. By giving thanks and appreciation for the rights you have, you will find that in time, you will gain more and more human rights.

This may mean that a physical move is in store for you that you are not yet aware of, or that your current place in the world may be on the verge of changing its laws. Whatever it is, it will happen because we will literally think it into existence.

What we focus on multiplies. Instead of paying so much attention to distractions and things that give us temporary escapes from our realities, let’s enhance our realities! Engage your own self-discipline from deep within to consciously decide that you want a better life. Focus your thoughts on a life that contains equality for all. When the Universe shows you ways to get what you want, take those leaps of faith and get on with it. What’s your personal alternative? Always strive for your ultimate life and do everything you can while respecting your fellow global inhabitants to achieve it!


The Power of Gratitude

The Power of Gratitude



© Global Gratitude Group. 2016. All Rights Reserved.

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Peace v. Stress

In Gratitude, one finds peace. In Gratitude, one finds a disposal of stressors. In Gratitude, one finds even more to be grateful for due to the absence of negative stress in their life.

True, telling most people to calm down is not usually received well. There really is not a nice, sugar-coated way to tell someone that they are stressed out to the max, to the point that it is stressing you out; when all you’re doing is sitting next to them.

Some of us live our lives at 145 km per hour (that’s about 90 mph for you folks in the States) and while that may work for them, it doesn’t work for me. I need peace. I need tranquility. I need calm. From when I was a young child, throughout my teen years and until about 27 – I had serious issues with managing stress. I was completely incapable. My stressors beat me up on all levels – emotional, physical and mental. They made me very ugly and I lived in a constant state of panic. I worried all the time about everything in my life, about things in others’ lives and mostly about things that I had absolutely no control over.

I had bosses who tried to micromanage me no matter where I worked, I allowed myself to get sucked into office politics and I took that element of my work home with me. I had stomach aches every single day to the point that I feared going into work because I knew who I had to deal with when I arrived. Every. Single. Day.

I sought solace everywhere I could that was anywhere other than where I was and when my lunch break ended I always wondered what would happen if I just didn’t go back. My work ethic is founded on fairness, equality, kindness and praise. Corporations today have it backwards, for the most part. Whether it’s a law practice, pizza joint or a coffee shop – it seems everyone has an agenda that usually results in hurting everyone, including them! Treat everyone equally; “be kind to one another” as Ellen says and tell people how great they are. They had to be great in order for them to be hired, right?

None of this makes any kind of sense to me. Why would anyone want to go to work to have to be near someone or multiple people who make their life a living hell?

But then, in time, the solutions become clear. That is, they are clear to those willing to see and acknowledge them.

First and foremost, one must be willing to see and acknowledge oneself for who he or she is – and most people are not willing to do this so the rest of this information that I’m about to share with you usually falls on deaf ears.

If you can see that no matter what direction your life has taken, who has come into it, who has left it, etc. – if you can see that the only constant factor in every single circumstance is you – continue reading. If you cannot see or accept this fact, continue reading – maybe you’ll change your mind.

One’s stress levels are born, live, breathe and grow within oneself – all by oneself – because of oneself. No one can make you feel an emotion you are not willing to feel. But you sure can. If someone can see what your vulnerabilities and weaker points are, they can highlight them and poke at them until their wear and tear on you is visible. They have taken control, you have surrendered and you’re the only one who cares – because you’re the only one suffering through your own stressors.

We are magnificent human beings and because we are “being” all the time, we are susceptible to the attempts of others to try to take our reigns and guide us where they want us to go. However, we are so magnificent that we can choose to engage those stressors or we can choose to kill them. Makes sense, right? If the stressors are born within, grow within, fester within, thrive within – then certainly we can kill them from within, right?

You can kill your stressors by just deciding that they don’t exist. Within minutes of deciding that you are not going to allow yourself to react in ways you seemingly always have, you kill a stressor. There are tons of those little boogers so just killing one is not killing one and done – you have to maintain your fight. If stress has eaten at you and has shaped the life you currently see as yours, you have quite the fight ahead.

Yet, if you can see yourself as the constant factor throughout your life and understand what I’ve told you, you have all the power you need to begin to change the game, take back your life, build it on a solid foundation of gratitude and you can finally get yourself a “peace” in your ultimate life. Peace is born within, grows within, thrives from within and as long as you nurture your peace like you nurtured your stressors, your peace will consume you and your life will be completely different. Give it a try!

Go have the best day of your life!


The Power of Gratitude



©Global Gratitude Group. 2016. All Rights Reserved.

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