
Thanks-a-Latte Thursday: Born Grateful


Thanks-a-Latte Message of Gratitude for July 27, 2017

On this beautiful Thursday morning, I am grateful for the smell of my coffee as I inhale the aroma, recalling fond memories associated with a cup of coffee. Reflecting has been on my mind as of late, since I have a birthday coming up in a week. A lot of people don’t understand why birthdays are big deals – why we run around and tell people with jubilation, “Today’s my birthday!”

I love birthdays! It’s the one day of a calendar year that has been all about me for my entire life. It’s the day where people are a little sweeter, a little more generous, a little more giving, and a little more happy for you – because when it’s their birthday, they get to feel how they know you are feeling on your special day.

I do believe in reincarnation, past lives and I do sincerely feel that I have been here before, in some other capacity. It is because of my spiritual understanding and enlightenment that I know this lifetime has its own direction and its own effect, which adds to the significance of pausing for one day out of each year to take stock of my life and remember my year that was.

I have always looked forward to my birthday, even doing an annual thirty day countdown with my brother from another mother (his birthday is the day before mine) since we were eleven going on twelve; but that stopped when we turned 30. “Thirty days to thirty-one” just didn’t have the right ring to it. When I turned thirty a couple years ago, I decided to start taking a holiday of reflection on my birthday. I reflect on my life thus far, particularly its past year; looking at accomplishments, setbacks, hurdles, victories, departed loved ones, new friendships and friendships that still stand the test of time.

Today I am grateful for another year, another birthday, another “stopportunity” to pause and give thanks for the incredible life that is mine. If today is your special day, Happy Birthday!

So as I spend this next week preparing for my life anniversary, pretend that it’s your birthday too and take a good look at your past year – what are you most grateful for? Next week’s Message of Gratitude will post right before the big day and I’ll share an excerpt from my personal “year in review.” If you’re not yet receiving my posts in your email, scroll down a bit and you should see where you can “Follow.”

Have a grateful day!

Dr. B


Johnny Bergstrom, Msc.D, AMDA

The Gratitude Guru, Dr. Johnny Bergstrom, is the Host of The Center of Gratitude Radio Show, Doctor of Metaphysical Science,  Enlightened Master, World Traveler, Author, Blogger, Volunteer and Member of the American Metaphysical Doctors Association.


© Global Gratitude Group. 2017. All Rights Reserved.

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Thanks-a-Latte Thursday!



It’s Thanks-a-Latte Thursday! To celebrate Thursday this week, I would like to share with you a direct excerpt from my Gratitude journal yesterday. Today’s Gratitude is being written now, as I have my morning latte moment to myself.

I wanted to share this excerpt from yesterday just to show you how simple it is to write from a stream of consciousness, with no limits, boundaries or guidelines. Just you, paper, and a pen. If you prefer to make it digital, go for it!
“Thank you for yet another gorgeous day in paradise. Thank you for my family, for my friends, for every smile and warm-hearted gesture sent my way. Thank you for every functioning air conditioner that keeps me cool as this South Florida Summer heats up. Thank you for enlightening me to begin with gratitude so that I may feel full and whole from the beginning, which then gives me everything I need to give of myself to others. Thank you for showing me from within that I am enough, I am valued, I am worthy, I am loved, I am needed and I am, ultimate. Thank you for my health. Thank you for my fitness. Thank you for my role models. Thank you for my internal alarm clock that always keeps me punctual. Thank you for life changing events. Thank you for quality time with my mom. Thank you for every morning and every evening with my husband. Thank you for my freedom from negativity. Thank you for emancipating me from drama and feeling the need to concern myself with issues which aren’t mine. Thank you for beautiful juices made just for me by people who look forward to seeing me each week. Thank you for giving me abundance at every turn, furthering my life with prosperity and joy. Thank you for filling my life so that I may share my gifts with others. Thank you for spreading the word about my podcast to everyone around the world so they, too, may learn how to create an Ultimate Life. Thank you for showing me The Ultimate Level. Thank you for teaching me how to allow the noise in order to silence it. Thank you for encouraging daily meditation, multiple times per day, for five minutes each time. I love being centered with Gratitude and I love that I have unlocked the power within me to shape my life exactly how I know and want it to be. Here’s to another day at The Ultimate Level with my Ultimate Life, living, ULTIMATELY!”

Excerpt from the Gratitude Journal of The Gratitude Guru for June 28, 2017.

So as you sip your latte or your coffee or your tea or even your matcha – give “thanks-a-latte.”

With Ultimate Gratitude for your time –

Dr. B


Johnny Bergstrom, Msc.D, AMDA

The Gratitude Guru, Dr. Johnny Bergstrom, is the Host of The Center of Gratitude Radio Show, Doctor of Metaphysical Science,  Enlightened Master, World Traveler, Author, Blogger, Volunteer and Member of the American Metaphysical Doctors Association.


© Global Gratitude Group. 2017. All Rights Reserved.

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Setting Your Focus with Gratitude

Begin with Gratitude

Thank you for another day. Thank you for the sun, the rain and the gentle breeze. Thank you for all of the love that surrounds me this and every day. Thank you for the coffee in my cup and the bed I just slept in. Thank you for my consciousness of living at The Ultimate Level and for my constant ability to decide to live ultimately. Thank you for every act of giving administered by others and thank you for the grateful receiving experienced by the entire world.


Set Your Focus with Gratitude

As we come together this Sunday, I am so grateful for your attention to my giving of Gratitude and I am so excited to share what’s happening at The Center of Gratitude Radio Show tomorrow, June 19, at 10:00am. The topic is “Setting Your Focus with Gratitude” and I am discussing the purpose of setting goals; the pros and cons to setting “challenges” which don’t often work; comparing diet mentality and behaviors to lifestyle change mentality and behaviors; and I will discuss how to alter challenges and short-term focus into livable, habitual, repeatable, daily lifestyle practices that will maintain the goals that you have achieved, allowing you to constantly set new and different goals. I will also explain, exactly, how to change your approach to setting goals so that once you accomplish it, you maintain it – and never have to strive for the same goal again.

The Ultimate Level

Next week you’ll gain insight into The Ultimate Level – you’ve seen and heard me talk about The Ultimate Level for quite some time and coming up next time at The Center of Gratitude, I will reveal exactly what The Ultimate Level is, how it will elevate your life to an unprecedented degree of joy and everything else you need to know in order to create your Ultimate Life at The Ultimate Level.

Thank you for your gratitude! Have a grateful day!



Johnny Bergstrom, Msc.D, AMDA

The Gratitude Guru, Dr. Johnny Bergstrom, is the Host of The Center of Gratitude Radio Show, Doctor of Metaphysical Science,  Enlightened Master, World Traveler, Author, Blogger, Volunteer and Member of the American Metaphysical Doctors Association.


© Global Gratitude Group. 2017. All Rights Reserved.

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Make Up Your Mindset with Gratitude

Global Equality


Welcome to The Center of Gratitude! As you begin to read this, take some deep, quality breaths in and out and permit yourself five minutes of peace to read this, absorb it and apply it to your daily lifestyle of living with gratitude.

If you would like to further today’s message, it is available as a fifteen minute podcast, featured here.

I hope that you’ve been well and I want to let you know that as we go forward with this month, I have a personal goal to send my life-changing content out to you on a more regular basis. So, please stay tuned for future articles from me as you should be seeing them more frequently!
In today’s article I will:
Discuss the human Psyche and its primary components
The relationship between the conscious and subconscious parts of the Psyche with respect to Gratitude
Teach you how to identify when the Ego is deterring you from manifesting that which you desire
Teach you how to overcome the trickery of the Ego to ensure a steadfast behavior with proper expectation of manifestations
Teach you why knowing about how your human Psyche works is right up there on the importance scale with the vitality of “Beginning with Gratitude.” Today’s content will provide science as well as guidance from me to teach you WHY your thought processes create your life – thus giving you every incentive to both consciously and subconsciously desire creating your Ultimate Life to live at The Ultimate Level. Here we go!

There’s no doubt in my mind that throughout your days, you hear the words “Thank you” expressed to you for something you did. There’s no doubt in my mind that you’ve been instructed by people of influence in your life to “be grateful.” And there’s no doubt in my mind that you’ve felt great about giving to receive the “thank you” and that you’ve felt the desire from within to express gratitude, yet, I am willing to bet that you have a vague understanding of the power of gratitude. It’s okay! It’s not your fault! It’s just that no one ever explains it! Maybe they don’t really know. Pardon this non-scientific expression, but until today, and until I became The Gratitude Guru, Gratitude has been done very halfass.

There are journals for Gratitude. There are notebooks and workbooks and people of notoriety proclaim how being grateful has propelled them into superstardom and fame; yet they never really say how. Have you ever noticed that?

There are few books about Gratitude that explain, in a roundabout way to fill pages, why we should be grateful, but still – I maintain, very halfass. Today, I am teaching you what no one shares. It’s not complicated – so let’s learn and get moving on creating Ultimate Lives!

Today is about science and guidance so let me give you a little science and then my guidance to drive it home. We’ll do a couple rounds of this. Get that pen ready – here’s the first part.

Write this down – The Ego

The Ego is the only conscious part of the human Psyche. The Ego determines exactly what you would associate with its name. Self opinion, information, beliefs, etc. There, that’s the short science. Now for the guidance and how it relates to Gratitude.

Back to what I say all the time – thoughts become things. Write that down if you haven’t – thoughts become things. So since thoughts become things, we have to explore the essence of thought.

Here’s the deal. The Ego is the only part of the Psyche that thinks or operates on the conscious level.

The other components are subconscious, which means that we can access those thoughts at any time, it’s just that they are not the front and center, here and now thoughts that we are addressing second by second. Okay? Not hard. So, today, Ego and Subconscious.

Back to the Science – the Ego gets its messages, as explained by, “The ego is just one small portion of the Self, however; Carl Jung believed that consciousness is selective, and the ego is the part of the self that selects the most relevant information from the environment and chooses a direction to take based on it, while the rest of the information sinks into the [sub]conscious. It may, therefore, show up later in the form of dreams or visions, thus entering into the conscious mind.”

And that, of course, was referring to the incredible Carl Jung and his Model of the Psyche. This means that what we think about in the Subconscious, and focus on, is transmitted into the conscious, where the Ego is functioning, and it’s up to the Ego to choose the most relevant information from the environment and which direction to take based on it. Therefore, if you have a conscious perspective in a negative circumstance, your Ego is going to extract the most relevant info from that situation (the negativity) and direct you to respond to either join in the negativity or to run in the other direction.

The Guidance –
By focusing on what you want just before going to sleep, as New Thought author Christian D. Larson wrote, you take those thoughts and desires into your subconscious where they are focused on until you wake up – often affecting your conscious state, or impacting the Ego where the Ego will choose to encourage manifestation of your creation or destroy it with an alternative feeling.

Allow me to give you an example –
Let’s say you are looking at images online or in magazines of something you want. Maybe it’s a little too expensive for your current reality. But you take the desired thoughts and wishes for what you want into your sleep cycle, into the subconscious; and you wake thinking of it and get excited that you’re going to manifest it because you now know how to do that from my teachings and the teachings of others in my field.

There is one potential glitch – your Ego. The Ego can, if not redirected, jump right to its memories of prior instances where you wanted something that was a little too out of your range and it reminds you of those instances, causing your great feelings to drop and essentially tossing aside any productive, encouraging thoughts that would support the overall manifestation of acquiring that new item you were so yearning for. Our Egos can be real jerks sometimes!

So how do you get around your Ego? You have to know what you really are. You’re a multipart Self, which collectively contributes to the Psyche. The Ego is one small part of the Psyche, while the great majority of your Psyche, of everything that determines your hopes and dreams, is subconscious. So you can either choose to let your Ego win, that little stinker, or you can choose to know better, inherently, and command your Ego to listen up and pay attention because the rest of your Psyche feels otherwise. “And Ego – you better make it happen because we outnumber you!” Soon enough, your Ego will give in and agree that you should get what you’ve asked for. Then by the power of the Law of Attraction, that which you thought about, with great feeling, will be brought about, also delivering great feelings of achievement!

You must MAKE UP YOUR MINDSETwhat do you really want and how do you really think and feel about it? When you hear me to say to you that you are creating your Ultimate Life to be lived at The Ultimate Level, what kind of life components come into your view?

As you have your pen there, write this down – MULO – it’s My Ultimate Life Outline and that is your order form for the Universe that delivers everything you ask for. Get specific, get clear, strike things out if you change your mind or enhance their descriptions; this is all about YOU. You can’t build an Ultimate Life or live at The Ultimate Level if you don’t know what you need or want in order to qualify your existence as Ultimate.

So, Gratitude is more than just being grateful. Just being grateful is a halfass attempt at living ultimately. If you want your individual Ultimate Life, you will create it because you now understand how your Psyche works. It is because of the activity of the thoughts you think on both conscious and subconscious levels that your Ego gets the power to choose. The subconscious doesn’t have that power. The subconscious merely submits ideas and suggestions based upon focused thought and observations and it is the Ego that decides what you receive. This is why you are filling out your MULO while you’re awake and conscious – because your subconscious has submitted ideas and you, along with your Ego, are combing through the suggestions to determine what you would like, what you would not like, what you ultimately desire, etc.

In his book, The Great Within, Christian D. Larson provides my summary for today’s teachings. He wrote, “The subconscious has the power to work out any problem, and find the exact answer to any question, at the time designated by the conscious mind; in fact, no problem is ever worked out by the conscious mind alone; the subconscious gives the real secret in every instance, though it is the conscious mind that makes the practical application.”
Before you go, I want to remind you that you can tune into my podcast every Monday morning (US – Eastern time) at 10:00a and after airing, each episode is available on demand. They each last approximately 15 minutes so you can get centered with gratitude and move forward with your greatness.

The Center of Gratitude Radio Show is here. If you would be so kind as to create a login (it’s totally free and requires no further action) then I can keep tabs on where my listeners are tuning in from, furthering my ability to adjust my approach based on where my followers are in our wonderful world. *Note – you do not have to have a login or an account to hear my program. It’s just helpful to me and I would greatly appreciate it.

Thank you so much for joining me! Coming up on Monday, June 12th at The Center of Gratitude Radio Show, we will celebrate this month of Pride, with a special honoring and remembrance of the victims of the Pulse nightclub shooting that is approaching its one year anniversary, by talking about how to access your human pride from “within.” We will celebrate our universal diversity with love and gratitude, as we all deserve to be free to exist as we need to in order to feel 100% whole.

With Light, Love and Gratitude,

Dr. B



Johnny Bergstrom, Msc.D, AMDA

The Gratitude Guru, Dr. Johnny Bergstrom, is the Host of The Center of Gratitude Radio Show, Doctor of Metaphysical Science,  Enlightened Master, World Traveler, Author, Blogger, Volunteer and Member of the American Metaphysical Doctors Association.


© Global Gratitude Group. 2017. All Rights Reserved.

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Manifested! Now What? Maintaining Your Ultimate Life at The Ultimate Level



Welcome to The Ultimate Level! With my podcast, I teach listeners all over the world how to improve their lives with Gratitude. If you’re ready to make your life even more ultimate than it is, you’re in the right place.

As a Metaphysician, my primary focus is to teach the Law of Attraction, and my method is founded upon doing so by teaching Gratitude, since it is my philosophy that Gratitude is the Gateway to Greatness.

Coming up in this blog post, I am going to address what to do once you have manifested what you have requested with The MULO. “I’ve manifested what I thought of, now what?”

An important note to remember and reiterate while you read each and every post is that thoughts become things; what we think about, we bring about; and everything we want and wish for begins with gratitude, from The Center of Gratitude.

By the end of this post, we will:

Quickly review The Bergstrom Practice of designing and planning your Ultimate Life

Review The MULO and have a MULO review for your past requests to ensure that they are still what you want in and as your Ultimate Life.

Learn what to do now – how to go about each day, now that your Ultimate Life is a living and breathing reality – further fine tuning and designing your new, ULTIMATE lifestyle.

If you’re new to The Center of Gratitude or new to the Law of Attraction, I use Gratitude as a Gateway to teach the Law of Attraction. The Law of Attraction says, (write this down), that “Like attracts like” – so essentially, what you think about, you bring about. Remember?

Because what you bring about is a mirroring of what you’ve been thinking, everything in your life exits because of you. Everything my life exists because of me, and everything in everyone else’s life exists because of them.

What you think about, you bring about appears again and again throughout my teachings and you will gain more and more clarity during our time together about how to access the Gateway to Greatness that is, Gratitude.

If you’re familiar with my specific teachings, you’ve no doubt created something that looks like or fully resembles your Ultimate Life, and now that I’ve taught you how to create it, you’re probably wondering what happens next!

Let’s Review The Bergstrom Practice

Part One – Think It.

Begin with Gratitude. You begin with Gratitude by thinking of what you want in and as your Ultimate Life.

Part Two – Design It.

Create your Ultimate Life with Gratitude by designing The MULO (My Ultimate Life Outline). You create your Ultimate Life with The MULO and then by living with Gratitude every minute of every day, you create the energy that acts as the building blocks of your Ultimate Life.

Part Three – Live It.

Living with Gratitude. Your attitude of gratitude immediately becomes your lifestyle because of how you are thinking and feeling based on what you desire to manifest. Your lifestyle creates how you feel and what you think about. Once you become conscious of practicing living with gratitude, you begin to see that you are living the Ultimate Life that you designed.

Part Four – The Fourth and Final – aka “Ultimate”

“Maintaining Your Ultimate Life with Gratitude” This is where we realize, “I did it! Now what am I supposed to do?” This is where a lot of people get stuck. Today, we are emphasizing the Fourth and Final part of Creating Your Ultimate Life with Gratitude! To arrive at the Fourth and Final, very briefly, let’s go back to the beginning.

In the very beginning, I told you that creating your Ultimate Life is never finished. We think of what we want, we design our Ultimate Lives around what we want, we then live our lives with gratitude and our realities shift to allow for the inclusion of our new requests. Finally, our new requests are delivered in and as our Ultimate Lives, which are synonymous with manifestation.

When you are in the Fourth and Final, and there’s a reason why I call it that – when you’re in that stage, you are in the final stage of achieving the specific request that you made. That’s your primary achievement, while you may enjoy the delightfully unforeseen, simultaneously.

Be thrilled that you’ve manifested, but keep in mind that your work isn’t done – it’s only just begun!

In Episode 12 of The Center of Gratitude Radio Show, called Accounting for Your Greatness, I directed you to think of creating your Ultimate Life like a master-planned community. The details and direct parallel to creating your Ultimate Life with Gratitude can be found from the 10:00 minute mark to the end, spanning about five minutes of total listening if you can’t listen to the whole fifteen minutes of the episode.

Each desire that you have, each thing you want to create and each circumstance you want to design for you to soon enjoy – they are all individual projects. They each have four parts and you can remember them by thinking: Think it, Design it, Live it, ULTIMATE!

Ultimate is your Fourth and Final. Keep in mind that each creation that you want to manifest is a four-part process. The Fourth and Final is the most important part of the process, but why? It’s the ULTIMATE step! It’s where all of your focused efforts come to fruition. This is where the thoughts, feelings and beliefs of circumstantial improvement blend together to construct the vision and deliver the finished, or manifested, product. It’s just the same as if you were to newly landscape your patio, courtyard or garden area. You think that you want new plants, you design the space around the new plants and you then enjoy your new garden. But something’s missing! Weren’t there four parts? Oh that’s it! You water! You wouldn’t just do all that thinking, designing and living without nurturing your creation and choose to abandon your new manifestation, would you? What a waste!

(In my episode, Planting Seeds of Prosperity with Gratitude, I talk about designing your Garden of Prosperity and if you would like to listen to that fifteen minute, life-enhancing episode, click here.)

So you see – your Fourth and Final is the ULTIMATE and most vital stage of The Bergstrom Practice. It’s the stage of the process that gives life to your visions, to your thoughts and to your designed-to-be-ultimate life!

Let’s Review The MULO

Rather than make this post unnecessarily lengthy, you can now review The MULO in full, here.

We know that great thoughts paired with great feelings create greatness, so it makes absolute sense that by being conscious and present to think the great thoughts and feel the great feelings continues to create ULTIMATE life circumstances that keep you living at The Ultimate Level.

I hope you’re listening to my podcast, The Center of Gratitude Radio Show, with new episodes airing every Monday at 10. If you’ve not yet listened, no worries! I am re-airing my five favorite episodes for the month of May as I will be on a mini World Tour with Gratitude, promoting my Practice. If you’re in Denmark, Germany, Estonia, Russia, Finland, Sweden or Austria for the second half of May, MAY-be I’ll see you there!

Thank you for your constant support and remember – every day is Thanksgiving when you’re living with gratitude!



The Center of Gratitude Radio Show


Johnny Bergstrom, Msc.D, AMDA

The Gratitude Guru, Dr. Johnny Bergstrom, is the Host of The Center of Gratitude Radio Show, Doctor of Metaphysical Science,  Enlightened Master and Member of the American Metaphysical Doctors Association.


© Global Gratitude Group. 2017. All Rights Reserved.

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A Phantom with Gratitude


On Saturday, I attended a matinee of The Phantom of the Opera at the Kravis Center in West Palm Beach, FL, USA. The performance was wonderful and the cast and crew did incredibly well.

Initially, we were seated in the Mezzanine and in the very front row. While the view was unspoiled it came at the cost of dizzying heights and discomfort. We were invited by friends of ours and we hadn’t thought to ask specifics of where we were sitting – we just went with the flow and were grateful that we could attend the show with them.

After about five minutes of trying out our seats and realizing it wasn’t going to happen, we inquired with an usher nearby and she suggested we check with the Box Office to see if we could change our seats.

We went all the way downstairs to the Box Office, waited in a short line and inquired if we could move. After some behind the scenes discussion, the ticket agent returned and shared that for a nominal fee we could move our seats to the center orchestra level, of which she proclaimed were, “great seats!” With Gratitude as my guide, great seats must equal grateful seats and I couldn’t wait to see where we’d been moved to.

With absolute gratitude we paid the difference and breathed sighs of relief that we could sit lower and enjoy the show without fearing for our lives up in the Mezzanine. As the show began, it hit me. These new seats were the perfect seats from which to watch the performance. We had the two closest to the aisle, yet still center and instead of a basketball player sitting in front of me, there sat a well-behaved, short, child. I could see clear to the stage without any obstruction. As it always is and always has been, Gratitude was in charge yesterday and is completely responsible for taking us from dizzying heights to front and center to enjoy what we so anxiously wanted to see.

Thank you, GRATITUDE!

With Gratitude as your guide, what you create in and as your Ultimate Life is always up to you! Start living with gratitude, now!


Global Equality

Gratitude is Changing the World!



Johnny Bergstrom, Msc.D, AMDA

The Gratitude Guru, Johnny Bergstrom, Msc.D, is a Doctor of Metaphysics, Enlightened Master, Host of The Center of Gratitude Radio Show and Member of the American Metaphysical Doctors Association.


©Global Gratitude Group. 2017. All Rights Reserved.

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Planting Seeds of Prosperity with Gratitude – Podcast



Happy Global Outreach Day! (Monday) The Center of Gratitude Radio Show aired this morning and if you missed it, you can listen to today’s podcast episode here. Just scroll down to “On Demand Episodes” to select. (Note – If you listen on a mobile device, turn it sideways and at the bottom of your screen a small cloud will appear indicating the option to download rather than stream.)

Today’s episode is my TENTH episode since embarking on this journey in radio broadcasting and I want you all to know how truly grateful I am that you value what I share with you enough to give me an ear for 15 minutes. I purposely design my episodes to how my listeners live their lives, so if you’re trying to earn steps for a fitness tracker or you have a dog to walk, just download the episode before you leave your WiFi and by the time you’re done, you feel so much better for so many more reasons than if you had not listened at all.


If you have an idea for an episode, a question or feedback, I would love to hear from you! Also, since there are so many of you following my blog (thank you!) from all over the world, I’d love to know where you’re listening from.

With the podcast service, Blog Talk Radio, if you make an account (it’s totally free and there are no endless email pushes) I can see where in the world you’re listening from and I can incorporate what’s happening in your part of the world in my upcoming episodes. Further, I am The Gratitude Guru promoting GLOBAL Gratitude and knowing that I’m reaching the far corners of the world would be very fulfilling for me. Again, and infinitely, THANK YOU!


Global Equality

Gratitude is Changing the World



Johnny Bergstrom, Msc.D, AMDA

The Gratitude Guru, Johnny Bergstrom, Msc.D is a Doctor of Metaphysics, Enlightened Master, Host of The Center of Gratitude Radio Show and Member of the American Metaphysical Doctors Association.

©Global Gratitude Group 2017. All Rights Reserved.

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Putting Yourself First with Gratitude



Happy Monday! My latest episode from The Center of Gratitude Radio Show is now available on demand! In this episode, I teach you how to implement a Metacognitive Practice to ensure that you not only make the list, but that you permanently occupy the top spot. You deserve to live an Ultimate Life and in order to create one, it all starts with YOU! Spend 15 Minutes on Yourself – get a pen and get ready to become #1!

Click here to listen to Putting Yourself First with Gratitude and remember –

Every day is Thanksgiving, when you’re living with gratitude!


Johnny Bergstrom, Msc.D, AMDA

The Gratitude Guru, Johnny Bergstrom, Msc.D, is a Doctor of Metaphysics, Enlightened Master, Host of The Center of Gratitude Radio Show and Member of the American Metaphysical Doctors Association.


©Global Gratitude Group 2017. All Rights Reserved.


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All Access, Ultimate Travel with Gratitude


Gratitude is your All Access Pass to the VIP experiences that await you in and as your Ultimate Life! I teach people all over the world how to create Ultimate Lives with gratitude and traveling with gratitude is a key component to manifesting the ultimate travel experiences that you desire.

In this article, I am sharing with you my Four Fundamentals of Traveling with Gratitude and showing you how to create, manifest and maintain VIP status in all of your journeys.

I love creating my All Access passes. That’s exactly what creating your Ultimate Life is all about. Creating your very own, All Access pass to everything you experience. An Ultimate Life is about having infinite, limitless access to everything and everyone you want to be connected with. No matter what you want, the Law of Attraction delivers exactly what you want and exactly what you ask for. It is essential that you understand your role in traveling with gratitude. To assist you in creating and gaining your access, here are my Four Fundamentals of Traveling with Gratitude.

The Four Fundamentals of Traveling with Gratitude

Thank you cards.

First and foremost, I cannot stress the importance of a thank you card. By packing a box of thank you cards in your suitcase, you are powerfully sending energy ahead of you to the experiences that you are expecting to have, that you are expecting to have such experiences that warrant the desire to express sincere thanks or follow up with at least one person or group before your trip has ended. I advise that you bring the cards with you because it’s very hard to follow up with many people who you meet along the way, by postal mail or other means of connectivity. Sure, there’s social media and the like – but who’s to say you want to maintain contact with them? Maybe you just want to thank them and have your gratitude stand out and mean something. There’s nothing like knowing you’re “unforgettably grateful.”

When you thank someone on a cruise ship, for example, who may see and interact with on average, 4000 people per week, your note of gratitude will stand out in their mind, making you unforgettably grateful. This is especially important if you frequent an industry, sticking with the cruise industry as I cruise a lot – among others, I thank people in the Hotel Department and in Guest Services. They constantly move from ship to ship and you never know where they’re going to pop up next.

I’ve had several reunions with cruise ship employees from our initial ships together to subsequent ships years later. And they have told me, I still have your card and I’ve thought about you from time to time, wondering where I’d see you again. And that makes me feel great, knowing that out of the hundreds of thousands of passengers they meet annually, they remember me. And they aren’t just saying they remember me – they cite specific memories of events that transpired where they remember me from. If you know that you’re going to spend some time in a specific location and you will most likely encounter the same people over a period of days, learn names early and make notes about the wonderful things they do so you can specifically praise them later in your card. We all carry smartphones now and they all have a Notes app; there’s no need to carry pen and paper. You can even dictate your notes!

“I need your help.”

There is no easier way to get what you need from a customer service representative by using those four simple words. “I need your help” is a request, it states a need and not a demand, it allows someone to help you which allows them to ultimately feel like they did a good deed – they helped you. Sure, it’s their job to do so, but there’s a human element to adding a personal touch, like lending a hand to cure someone’s need by an action only they can do. “I need your help” works for me every time and always gets me what I need, when I need it and I typically receive more than I originally needed because of the generosity of the person providing me with care that has surpassed mere “assistance.”

You’re never alone when you travel with gratitude.

Gratitude is all about relationships because Gratitude is humanity. Without other people, we would have a lot less to be grateful for. Note the importance of others and by showing sincerity when acknowledging their role in your ultimate journey. We don’t travel alone. You’re not booking your plane ticket with yourself on the other end of the phone, you don’t check your own bag and load it onto the plane yourself, you don’t pat yourself down through a TSA screening, you don’t act as the gate agent and you aren’t flying the plane. You can see where this is going.

There are numerous, countless people involved in the process of getting us from A to B and it’s our attitudes about everything from A to B that will ensure an ultimate journey. With all whom you meet, look them in the eyes and once you’ve locked eyes for that split second of realizing you’re looking at each other, say with sincerity, “Thank you.” Allow for another split second for your gratitude to hit them and wait for their responsive smile or other gesture and be on your way.

Ultimate Planning with gratitude.

When we plan, we think. When we make travel arrangements, whether we are booking airline tickets, hotel reservations, cruise itineraries, global excursions, etc., we are thinking. We are thinking of who we want to be with, what we want to do, where we want to go, when we want to travel, why we are traveling, and how we are going to make it all happen. Traveling is all about logistics and there is one vital detail that cannot be overlooked and cannot be left at home; it’s Gratitude.

By involving gratitude at the very beginning of the planning phases of any trip, for any purpose – even if it’s just a trip to the market – there is planning involved. The market is a quick and easy example so let’s start with that. You know you’re going food shopping, you know where you’re going to perform the shopping, you know that you will need money and shopping bags to fulfill the purpose of your travels, you determine who is going (is it just you, are there others?) and you figure out how you’re getting there and back. Of the Four Fundamentals, the planning fundamental is the biggest. Just about everything we do involves some kind of planning, which means that everything we do involves thinking. What you think about, you bring about.

If you are traveling, think about how you want to feel at the beginning, during and after your travels. Do you want to feel happy? Energized? Excited? Safe? Able? Carefree? How do you want to feel? What do you want to experience in order to feel those feelings? How do you want you travels to go? If you think about how you don’t want them to go, the Universe doesn’t differentiate between wants and don’t wants – it only knows what you think about and focus on; ensure your focus is only on what you DO want!

If you want to have an amazing journey, and you want to have a first class experience the entire time, your thinking needs to be in line with what you want with the expectation that such will manifest. Do you need to book and pay for a First Class airline ticket in order to get a First Class seat assignment? Nope. Can you book your basic ticket and be upgraded to First Class, furthering your All Access Pass to an Ultimate Life? Absolutely! Do you need to book and pay for a suite on a cruise ship in order to have one? Nope. Can you book a basic fare and think your way up to the suite life? Absolutely! I do it all the time. Do you have to have your home traffic patterns down to a science in order to not get stuck in traffic? Nope. Can you think of a stress and congestion-free traffic experience and expect to live that experience in the near future? Absolutely!

No matter what you want, big or small, it all resides in your mind. The thoughts, the planning, the abilities, the ACCESS – is all in your mind. The faster you can understand that and the faster you can allow yourself to have your ACCESS GRANTED, you will be on your way to creating and living your Ultimate Life each and every moment of each and every day!

Join me on Monday, February 27 at 10:00a EST for my radio show episode of Ultimate Travel with Gratitude on The Center of Gratitude Radio Show! When you are on the website, scroll until you see the Ultimate Travel with Gratitude link. If it’s during showtime, (10:00-10:15) just refresh the screen and you will see a red, LIVE button at the top. Click it and join me LIVE. If you listen after the LIVE air, it becomes a podcast within minutes and is forever available as a free, on-demand download. Thank you!



Johnny Bergstrom, Msc.D, AMDA

The Gratitude Guru, Johnny Bergstrom, Msc.D, is a Doctor of Metaphysics, Enlightened Master, Host of The Center of Gratitude Radio Show and Member of the American Metaphysical Doctors Association.

©Global Gratitude Group 2017. All Rights Reserved.

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Lead Yourself to an Ultimate Life


Welcome to Thankful Thursday!

In keeping with the theme of my next podcast (which airs LIVE on Monday, February 20th at 10:00a EST), this article is also about Leadership. Today, I’m guiding you to lead yourself to create your Ultimate Life!

In the corporate world, an effective leader has a vision and includes their team members in its development. They direct their teams how to operate in order to achieve the vision and see the manifestation of the vision through to completion.

The process of creating your Ultimate Life is the same! With clear, focused and honest thinking, you determine your vision of what your unique, Ultimate Life looks like! Just like a corporate leader directs their teams how to operate in order to achieve the vision, you direct yourself how to operate in order to achieve your vision.

If your Ultimate Life contains only positive people, positive circumstances, plenty of money, easy living and basking in the sunlight of each and every day – it’s up to you to start thinking of those items, in the way that you want them to be in your life, as your life.

To have plenty of money, you must stop declaring how broke you are or how tight things are for you in this moment. As long as you believe something to be true, it will be – whether it’s what you currently see or something you want to see in your future.

To be surrounded by positive people and positive circumstances, you have to choose to focus on and highlight everything positive in and as your life, NOW. If your aim is to live easily and carefree, then you absolutely must stop stressing yourself out and start treating things in your life (with care, of course) as you plan to when you don’t feel as though such circumstances are so worrisome or anxious. (Personal note – when I start to feel overwhelmed or like I am on the path to feeling overwhelmed, I play my “Cruise Vacation” playlist and I am immediately transported to the middle of an ocean, surrounded by people who are also carefree and basking in the sunlight. Nothing changes a stressed-out tone better than steel drums!)

To be your own effective leader and to bring yourself closer and closer to achieving your vision depends on your minute-by-minute behavior and what you choose as your perceived reality.

You’re right. That does sound like a lot of work.

I have to tell you – creating your Ultimate Life is a process that never ends. If you are breathing, you are creating. Once you get the hang of the behaviors you need to assert in order to achieve your vision, it won’t seem like work at all because it will just become your lifestyle! The transition is so seamless you won’t even realize that you’re consciously doing it. The best part is that if you start to revert, you’ll notice – and with lightning speed, you’ll be back to living with gratitude in your Ultimate existence.

Need a motivator? Think of a corporate project. You have a team meeting, you receive the delegations and you come to learn your role in the scope of the vision. As time goes by, you may not fully understand why the company is heading toward achieving the vision, but you trudge along because it’s your job. Suddenly, a significant cash incentive is offered if the project can come to fruition ahead of schedule. Now the extrinsic (exterior) motivator is in full swing and the team makes a collective effort to finish the job – to achieve the vision.

With creating your Ultimate Life, determine what your extrinsic or intrinsic (inner) motivators are and USE them to inspire you to continue with your concentrated efforts along the way. To help sweeten the pot, throw in similar motivators that are in the same categories as the main motivators.

If one of your Ultimate Life extrinsic motivators is to live with complete prosperity, visualize your life with an unforeseen force removing a debt or bill from your life. Perhaps it shows up as someone offering to treat you to lunch or to coffee – there are no “small” gestures as even the smallest gestures can mean the most. As always, the best way to begin receiving your Ultimate Life is to GIVE of yourself, creating positive feelings that pave the way for your Ultimate Life to develop and manifest as your reality.

Lead YOURSELF to YOUR Ultimate Life! Begin the process and continue it with me, with gratitude! Together, we CAN change the world!


Johnny Bergstrom, Msc.D, AMDA

The Gratitude Guru, Johnny Bergstrom, Msc.D, is a Doctor of Metaphysics, Enlightened Master, Host of The Center of Gratitude Radio Show and Member of the American Metaphysical Doctors Association.


©Global Gratitude Group. 2017. All Rights Reserved.

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